Born Free Forever
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We must be willing to help animals that can’t help themselves! ๐ฆ๐ค
@RewritingExtinction #VirginiaMckennaOBE #TabMurphy #MwelwaMusonko #JimCampbellย
#rewritingextinction #AnimalRights #animalwelfare #allcreatures #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcruelty #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife
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We must be willing to help animals that can’t help themselves! ๐ฆ๐ค
@rewritingextinction #VirginiaMckennaOBE @talbotmurphy #MwelwaMusonko @jimcampbell
#rewritingextinction #AnimalRights #animalwelfare #allcreatures #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcruelty #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife
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Virginia Mckenna OBE, Tab Murphy, Mwelwa Tax, Jim Campbell