Cow emissions
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Victim blaming is not trendy… Plant-based burgers, however – now those are sexy! 🥵
Switch to a more #plant-based diet to help reduce your Carbon footprint – leave the poor moos alone!
Heartbreakingly true comic by
@RewritingExtinction @JoanChan.JustComics
#rewritingextinction #vegan #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #vegan #plantbased #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcruelty #meatfree #meatfreemondays #nomeat #plantsaregood #vegmeals #veganmeals #veggieburgerInstagram: Suggested post
Victim blaming is not trendy… Plant-based burgers, however – now those are sexy! 🥵
Switch to a more #plant-based diet to help reduce your Carbon footprint – leave the poor moos alone!
Heartbreakingly true comic by
@rewritingextinction @justcomics_official
#rewritingextinction #vegan #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #vegan #plantbased #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcruelty #meatfree #meatfreemondays #nomeat #plantsaregood #vegmeals #veganmeals #veggieburgerTwitter: Suggested post
Victim blaming is not trendy… Plant-based burgers, however – now those are sexy! 🥵
Switch to a more #plant-based diet to help reduce your Carbon footprint – leave the poor moos alone!
Heartbreakingly true comic by
@rwritextinction @TheJustComics
#rewritingextinction #vegan #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #vegan #plantbased #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcruelty #meatfree #meatfreemondays #nomeat #plantsaregood #vegmeals #veganmeals #veggieburgerCredits
Joan Chan - Just comics