Did you know you can easily find next year’s most fashionable colour, right now…?
Just ask the poor animals covered in it from the lakes and rivers in India, because they’re covered in it!
Our constant need for cheap clothes has forced dye houses to push out clothes without proper quality measures, and it’s affecting the locals and the wildlife too. Research your clothing brands. Sadly, many of the cheap fashion brands online knowingly perpetrate this, despite what they say.
@RewritingExtinction @lucy.siegle @paul.goodenough @goodbadcomics
#rewritingextinction #sustainable #fashion #sustainablefashion #consumerism #stopconsumerism #buysustainable #stopcapitalism #reuse #dobetter #ecocide #stopecocide #climate #accountability #climatejustice #StopGlobalWarming #OurPlanet #ClimateCrisis