End Wildlife Markets Forever
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No wonder she didn’t want to go…
Did you know that Wildlife Markets often have more species of wildlife in a few square metres than some of the most beautiful areas on the planet?
This is because people local to those areas are paid for to harvest endangered animals in large quantity, so they effectively wipe out entire communities of endangered species because they want or need a better life for themselves.
This cannot go on. These cruel horror shows cannot be the only places our children can see wild species. Let’s end wildlife markets forever!
@RewritingExtinction @paul.goodenough @rositsa.vangelova @malaikavaz1997
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #EndWildlifeMarkets #extinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #saveourwildlife #AnimalLiberation #StopWildLifeTourism #AnimalRights #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcrueltyInstagram: Suggested post
No wonder she didn’t want to go…
Did you know that Wildlife Markets often have more species of wildlife in a few square metres than some of the most beautiful areas on the planet?
This is because people local to those areas are paid for to harvest endangered animals in large quantity, so they effectively wipe out entire communities of endangered species because they want or need a better life for themselves.
This cannot go on. These cruel horror shows cannot be the only places our children can see wild species. Let’s end wildlife markets forever!
@rewritingextinction @paulgoodenough @rositsavangelova @malaikavaz
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #EndWildlifeMarkets #extinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #saveourwildlife #AnimalLiberation #StopWildLifeTourism #AnimalRights #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcrueltyTwitter: Suggested post
No wonder she didn’t want to go…
Did you know that Wildlife Markets often have more species of wildlife in a few square metres than some of the most beautiful areas on the planet?
This is because people local to those areas are paid for to harvest endangered animals in large quantity, so they effectively wipe out entire communities of endangered species because they want or need a better life for themselves.
This cannot go on. These cruel horror shows cannot be the only places our children can see wild species. Let’s end wildlife markets forever!
@rwritextinction @paulgoodenough @RosieVangelova @malaika_vaz
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #EndWildlifeMarkets #extinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #saveourwildlife #AnimalLiberation #StopWildLifeTourism #AnimalRights #crueltyfree #animalwelfare #allcreatures #SaveTheAnimals #stopanimalcrueltyCredits
Paul Goodenough and Rositsa Vangelova. With Malaika Vaz