May the Best Endangered Species Win!
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We need to stop this speciest ๐ฉ!
Did you know that orchids and plants are essential to all ecosystems. Without them (indirectly), we have no bears, no eagles, no… anything really!
We are sponsoring projects across Ecuador, Guatemala, Europe and Asia to protect the land there from being sold to mining companies who would destroy the plant life and ecosystems there. Please please donate now to make a tangible difference and save species from extinction – we only have until June 2022 to save this land ๐
@RewritingExtinction @tmj902 Sheila Putri @callie.broaddus
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife #animalwelfare #StopEcocide #MyWorld #OurPlanet #ClimateCrisisInstagram: Suggested post
We need to stop this speciest ๐ฉ!
Did you know that orchids and plants are essential to all ecosystems. Without them (indirectly), we have no bears, no eagles, no… anything really!
We are sponsoring projects across Ecuador, Guatemala, Europe and Asia to protect the land there from being sold to mining companies who would destroy the plant life and ecosystems there. Please please donate now to make a tangible difference and save species from extinction – we only have until June 2022 to save this land ๐
@rewritingextinction @tylerjennes @sheilasplayground @calliebroaddus
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife #animalwelfare #StopEcocide #MyWorld #OurPlanet #ClimateCrisisTwitter: Suggested post
We need to stop this speciest ๐ฉ!
Did you know that orchids and plants are essential to all ecosystems. Without them (indirectly), we have no bears, no eagles, no… anything really!
We are sponsoring projects across Ecuador, Guatemala, Europe and Asia to protect the land there from being sold to mining companies who would destroy the plant life and ecosystems there. Please please donate now to make a tangible difference and save species from extinction – we only have until June 2022 to save this land ๐
@rwritextinction Tyler Jennes, Sheila Putri @CallieBroaddus
#rewritingextinction #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife #animalwelfare #StopEcocide #MyWorld #OurPlanet #ClimateCrisisCredits
Tyler Jennes and Sheila Putri. With Callie Broaddus.