Missing plastic
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Help us protect and clean up 30% of the world’s oceans by calling on governments to declare no fish and no sail zones.
If we can them to agree that, fish can live in peace, and will double their numbers in just a few years. We can do it, we just need our voices to be heard.
Comment. Like. Share. Sign our petitions – if we can convince governments this is something we’d all support, it will happen – and you’ll have been part of changing the world.
@RewritingExtinction @JoanChan.JustComics
#rewritingextinction #SaveOurSeas #MarineLife #OceanConservation #SeaLife #ProtectOurOcean #stopillegalfishing #seashepherd #Nomoreplastic #LeaveNoTrace #PlasticFree #Plastic #Zerowaste #OceanPlastic #UpCycle #PlasticPollution #cleanocean #noplastic #cleanoceans #nowaste #secondhand #noplasticbottles #reuseInstagram: Suggested post
Help us protect and clean up 30% of the world’s oceans by calling on governments to declare no fish and no sail zones.
If we can them to agree that, fish can live in peace, and will double their numbers in just a few years. We can do it, we just need our voices to be heard.
Comment. Like. Share. Sign our petitions – if we can convince governments this is something we’d all support, it will happen – and you’ll have been part of changing the world.
@rewritingextinction @justcomics_official
#rewritingextinction #SaveOurSeas #MarineLife #OceanConservation #SeaLife #ProtectOurOcean #stopillegalfishing #seashepherd #Nomoreplastic #LeaveNoTrace #PlasticFree #Plastic #Zerowaste #OceanPlastic #UpCycle #PlasticPollution #cleanocean #noplastic #cleanoceans #nowaste #secondhand #noplasticbottles #reuseTwitter: Suggested post
Help us protect and clean up 30% of the world’s oceans by calling on governments to declare no fish and no sail zones.
If we can them to agree that, fish can live in peace, and will double their numbers in just a few years. We can do it, we just need our voices to be heard.
Comment. Like. Share. Sign our petitions – if we can convince governments this is something we’d all support, it will happen – and you’ll have been part of changing the world.
@rwritextinction @TheJustComics
#rewritingextinction #SaveOurSeas #MarineLife #OceanConservation #SeaLife #ProtectOurOcean #stopillegalfishing #seashepherd #Nomoreplastic #LeaveNoTrace #PlasticFree #Plastic #Zerowaste #OceanPlastic #UpCycle #PlasticPollution #cleanocean #noplastic #cleanoceans #nowaste #secondhand #noplasticbottles #reuseCredits
Joan Chan - Just comics