Roots and Shoots
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The climate crisis affects everyone the same, and so everyone has to work together to protect each other ❤️🤝
@RewritingExtinction @janegoodall #ChuckAusten @paul.goodeneough #LeeCarter #JimCampbell
#rewritingextinction #rewild #habitat #rewilding #rewildtheworld #TreePlantation #PlantMoreTrees #Reforestation #futureforest #TreeHugger #doubletheimpact #greatgreenwall
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The climate crisis affects everyone the same, and so everyone has to work together to protect each other ❤️🤝
@rewritingextinction @janegoodallinst #ChuckAusten @paulgoodenough #LeeCarter @jimcampbell
#rewritingextinction #rewild #habitat #rewilding #rewildtheworld #TreePlantation #PlantMoreTrees #Reforestation #futureforest #TreeHugger #doubletheimpact #greatgreenwall
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Roots and Shoots, Jane Goodall, Chuck Austen and Paul Goodenough, Lee Carter, Jim Campbell