The Selfless Giant
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We Don’t deserve you, selfless giant. ๐ข We need to act now if we want to save our glaciers.
@RewritingExtinction @Andy-Serkis @paul.goodenough @danzezelj #BernardoBrice
#rewritingextinction #climatecrisis #climatecrisisisreal #climatechange #climateaction #climateemergency #climatechangeisreal #climatejustice #climatebreakdown #climateactionnow #climateresolution #StopGlobalWarming #StopEcocide #MyWorld #OurPlanet #Polluted #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife
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We Don’t deserve you, selfless giant. ๐ข We need to act now if we want to save our glaciers.
@rewritingextinction @andyserkis @paulgoodenough @danijelzezelj #BernardoBrice
#rewritingextinction #climatecrisis #climatecrisisisreal #climatechange #climateaction #climateemergency #climatechangeisreal #climatejustice #climatebreakdown #climateactionnow #climateresolution #StopGlobalWarming #StopEcocide #MyWorld #OurPlanet #Polluted #rewritingextinction #extinction #nomoreextinction #stopextinction #speciesloss #savetheanimals #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #conservation #saveourwildlife
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Andy Serkis and Paul Goodenough, Danijel Zezelj, Bernardo Brice